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Excerpts from Gustav Le Bon's "The Crowd"
It is crowds that have furnished the torrents of
blood requisite for the triumph of every belief.
Crowds are only cognizant of simple and extreme sentiments: the opinions, ideas, and beliefs suggested to them are accepted or rejected as a whole, and considered as absolute truths or as not less absolute errors. This is always the case with beliefs induced by a process of suggestion instead of engendered by reasoning. everyone is aware of the intolerance that accompanies religious beliefs, and of the despotic empire they exercise on the mind. When by various processes an idea has ended by penetrating into the minds of crowds it possesses an irresistible power, and brings about a series of effects, opposition to which is bootless. The philosophical ideas which resulted in the French Revolution took nearly a century to implant themselves in the mind of the crowd. Their irresistible force, when once they had taken root, is known. The striving of an entire nation towards the conquest of social equality, and the realization of abstract rights and ideal liberties, caused the tottering of all thrones and profoundly disturbed the Western world. During twenty years the nations were engaged in internecine conflict, and Europe witnessed hecatombs that would have terrified Ghengis Khan and Tamerlane. A long time is necessary for ideas to establish themselves in the minds of crowds, but just as long a time is needed for them to be eradicated. For this reason crowds, as far as ideas are concerned, are always several generations behind learned men and philosophers. All statesmen are well aware to-day of the admixture of error contained in the fundamental ideas I referred to a short while back, but as the influence of these ideas is still very powerful they are obliged to govern in accordance with principles in the truth of which they have ceased to believe. The characteristics of the reasoning of crowds are the association of dissimilar things possessing a merely apparent connection between each other, and the immediate generalization of particular cases. It is arguments of this kind that are always presented to crowds by those who know how to manage them. They are the only arguments by which crowds are to be influenced. . . . Astonishment is felt at times on reading certain speeches at their weakness, and yet they had an enormous influence on the crowds which listened to them; but it is forgotten that they were intended to persuade collectivities and not to be read by philosophers. An orator in intimate communication with a crowd can evoke images by which it will be seduced. If he is successful his object has been attained, and twenty volumes of harangues -- always the outcome of reflection -- are not worth the few phrases which appealed to the brains it was required to convince. Just as is the case with respect to persons in whom the reasoning power is absent, the figurative imagination of crowds is very powerful, very active, and very susceptible of being keenly impressed. The images evoked in their mind by a personage, an event, an accident, are almost as lifelike as the reality. Crowds are to some extent in the position of the sleeper whose reason, suspended for the time being, allows the arousing in his mind of images of extreme intensity which would quickly be dissipated could they be submitted to the action of reflection. Crowds, being incapable both of reflection and of reasoning, are devoid of the notion of improbability; and it is to be noted that in a heberal way it is the most improbable things that are the most striking. This is why it happens that it is always the marvelous and legendary side of events that more especially strike crowds. When a civilization is analyzed it is seen that in reality, it is the marvelous and the legendary that are its true supports. Appearances have always played a much more important part than reality in history, where the unreal is always of greater moment than the real. Crowds being only capable of thinking in images are only to be impressed by images. It is only images that terrify or attract them and become motives of action. The power of conquerors and the strength of States is based on the popular imagination. It is more particularly by working upon this imagination that crowds are led. All great historical facts, the rise of Buddhism, of Christianity, of Islam, the reformation, the French Revolution, and, in our own time the threatening invasion of Socialism, are the direct or indirect consequences of strong impressions produced in the imagination of the crowd. It was not by means of cunning rhetoric that Antony succeeded in making the populace rise against the murderers of Caesar; it was by reading his will to the multitude and pointing to his corpse.
When, however, it is proposed to imbue the mind of a crowd with ideas and
beliefs - with modern social theories, for instance, the leaders have
recourse to different expedients. The principal of them are three in number
and clearly defined- affirmation, repetition and contagion. Their actions
is somewhat slow, but its effects, once produced, are very lasting.
Affirmation pure and simple, kept free of all reasoning and all proof, is
one of the surest means of making an idea enter the mind of crowds.
Whether the feelings exhibited by a crowd be good or bad, they present the double character of being very simple and very exaggerated. On this point, as on so may others, an individual in a crowd resembles primitive beings. Inaccessible to fine distinctions he sees things as a whole, and is blind to their intermediate phrases. The exaggeration of the sentiments of a crowd is heightened by the fact that any feeling when once it is exhibited communicating itself very quickly by a process of suggestion and contagion, the evident approbation of which it is the object considerably increases its force.
The violence of the feelings of crowds is also increased, especially in heterogeneous crowds, by the absence of all sense of responsibility. The certainty of impunity, a certainty the stronger as the crowd is more numerous, and the notion of considerable momentary force due to number, make possible in the case of crowds sentiments and acts impossible for the isolated individual. In crowds the foolish, ignorant, and envious persons are freed from the sense of their insignificance and powerlessness, and are possessed instead by the notion of brutal and temporary but immense strength.
Given to exaggeration in its feelings, a crowd is only impressed by excessive sentiments. An orator wishing to move a crowd must make abusive use of violent affirmations. To exaggerate, to affirm, to resort to repetitions, and never to attempt to prove anything by reasoning are methods of argument well known to speakers at public meetings.
Authoritativeness and intolerance are are sentiments of
which crowds have a very clear notion, which they easily conceive and which
they entertain as readily as they put them in practice when once they are
imposed upon them. Crowds exhibit a docile respect for force, and are
but slightly impressed by kindness, which for them is scarcely other than a
form of weakness. Their sympathies have never been bestowed on
easy-going masters, but on tyrants who vigorously oppressed them. It
is to these latter that they always erect the loftiest statues. It is
true that they willingly trample on the despot when they have stripped of
his power, but it is because, having lost his strength, he has resumed his
place among the feeble, who are to be despised because they are not to be
feared. They type of hero dear to crowds will always have the
semblance of a Caesar. His insignia attract them, his authority
overawes them, and his sword instills them with fear.
Whatever the ides suggested to crowds they can only exercise influence on condition they assume a very absolute, uncompromising, and simple shape. They present themselves then in the guise of images, and are only accessible to the masses under this form.
When by various processes an idea has ended by penetrating into the minds of crowds, it possesses an irresistible power and brings about a series of effects, opposition to which is bootless. The philosophical ideas which resulted in the French Revolution took nearly a century to implant themselves in the mind of the crowd. Their irresistible force, when once they had take root, is known. The striving of an entire nation towards the conquest of social equality and the realization of abstract rights and ideal liberties, caused the tottering of all thrones and profoundly disturbed the Western world.
A long time is necessary for ideas to establish themselves in the minds of crowds, but just as long a time is necessary for them to be eradicated.
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