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The Scribblers Web Personal home page of Steven Raker ~ Issues, opinion and articles, Devil's Dictionary quotes

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Currently on Run Amuck Tree Farm


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Anita ~ San Antonio Texas ~ The Riverwalk

Black Hammock Fish Camp ~ Liars Lodge

People ~ Places ~ Faces

Mr Scrawny


Adventures in Belize

My Memoirs

Divine Inspiration, Divine Truth

The Initiation of Ben Wheeler

Hard Times A'Comin ~ The Empire's Decline

Nuke the Whales

Articles, Excerpts, Quotations, Humor and Stuff

Favorite Articles and Essays

Favorite Quotes from the Devil's Dictionary

Excerpts from Gustav Le Bon's The Crowd

Excerpts from Brother  Can You Spare a Dime

Brother Can You Spare A Dime ~ 2

Quotations on history, politics life, love, sorrow, happiness etc.

More quotations on life, love, happiness, sorrow and things in general

Military Quotations

Humor and Stuff

 Ramblings, Rants, Raves and Musings


Depleted Uranium

Economics 101 A Short History of Economic Manias and Crashes

6 Principles of Economics

My Old and Unfinished Scribblings

The Wind in the Trees Chapter 1-4

The Wind in the Trees Chapters 5-8

The Money Tree

My Memoirs


Good Sites to check out


Thomas Paine's  Corner

Joe Bageant

Counter Punch

Dissident Voice




The Number One Rule  of Human Existence


Directory of Directories


My Web Sites





The Cedars of Lebanon Weep





US Interventions

The Hispanic Challenge


Thomas Jefferson on Taxes and Debt


United States of Israel

Where Your Tax     Money to Israel Goes


Is Freedom Dying

Foreign Ownership of America

A Conversation with Herman Goering


Interesting  Reading


Global Warming

State by State Impact

Climate Change   Articles



Personal home page of Steven Raker.  Issues, opinion, history, ramblings, rants and sometimes demented musings, articles and scribblings on life and life's issues - life, death, politics, religion, happiness, sex, love, war, etc. selected or written by Steven Raker.  My links and scribblings are on the left Nav bar in various places.  Please visit Tiny Victims of Desert Storm  This is an issue every American should be aware of.  Iraq War Dead @

Issues, Opinions, History and Events







<<<<<<  Issues, Essays and Articles  >>>>>>

Cordyceps Sinensis Mushrooms for Health and  Bedroom Energy


The Hell of War Comes Home


Take the IAT Test

Here you will have the opportunity to assess your conscious and unconscious preferences for over 90 different topics ranging from pets to political issues, ethnic groups to sports teams, and entertainers to styles of music. At the same time, you will be assisting psychological research on thoughts and feelings.


Websites of Interest

PRISON News Archive: 9/11 Prior Knowledge and Government Complicity    Council for the National Interest

Defense in the National Interest    Water Wars   

National Priorities Project

Global Food Supply Near the Breaking Point

Iran the next war (Rolling Stone)   

America No. 1?




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 Big Brother is Watching  Surveillance in America                         Big Brother is Watching  Surveillance in America

Big Brother is Watching in Amerika

It can be used on them - - - or it can be used on us!!!


Big Brother Really Is Watching

Current research focuses on three key areas. The first is recognition of gestures and so-called "microfacial expressions" -- a poker player might call them "tells" -- that flash across a person's face in about one third of a second. Some researchers say micro expressions can betray a person when he is trying to deceive.

The second area is analysis of variations in speech, such as pitch and loudness, for indicators of untruthfulness.

The third is measurement of physiological characteristics such as blood pressure, pulse, skin moisture and respiration that have been associated with polygraphs, or lie detectors.


According to a senior government official… ”There exists a database of Americans, who, often for the slightest and most trivial reason, are considered unfriendly, and who, in a time of panic, might be incarcerated. The database can identify and locate perceived ‘enemies of the state’ almost instantaneously.” … One knowledgeable source claims that 8 million Americans are now listed in Main Core as potentially suspect. In the event of a national emergency, these people could be subject to everything from heightened surveillance and tracking to direct questioning and possibly even detention.


 CIA and Pentagon Deploy RFID “Death Chips.” Coming Soon to a Product Near You!

Radio-frequency identification tags are small computer chips connected to miniature antennae that can be fixed to or implanted within physical objects, including human beings. The chip itself contains an Electronic Product Code that can be read each time a reader emits a radio signal.

FBI “Going Dark.” Budget Request for High-Tech Surveillance Capabilities Soar

According to published reports, the company maintains a 45 megabit/second DS-3 digital line that allowed the FBI and other security agencies virtually “unfettered access” to the carrier’s wireless network, including billing records and customer data “transferred wirelessly.” Verizon and other telecom giants have supplied FBI technical specialists with real-time access to customer data.


CIA Embedded in Every State Government
Jesse Ventura Speaks about his personal experiences and knowledge of such facts

Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons

They are just some of the victims of wholesale torture taking place inside the U.S. prison system that we uncovered during a four-month investigation for Channel 4 . It’s terrible to watch some of the videos and realise that you’re not only seeing torture in action but, in the most extreme cases, you are witnessing young men dying.

Regarding The End of the World

Warren Buffet says . . .
The Future of the Corporation

Bailout for the People:

The Cook Plan
By Richard C. Cook

The American Dictatorship Institute


Do You Know the Country You Live in ??






USA We're Number 15??

The Issue of the Media.  Quotes on the Media

In the first worldwide Press Freedom Index the United States ranked 17th, Canada 5th and rest of the top ten were European.  This should be an issue with all Americans

"There's really 5 companies that control 90% of what we read, see and hear.  It's not healthy."  ~ Ted Turner 2003

Top 5

(1) AOL Time Warner     (2) News Corporation     (3) Walt Disney Company     (4) Viacom     (5) Vivendi

"If media moguls control media content and media distribution, then they have a lock on the extent and range of diverse views and information.  That kind of grip on commercial and political power is potentially dangerous for any democracy."  ~  Chuck Lewis, executive directory of the Centre for Public Integrity 2004

"You don't get rewarded in commercial broadcasting for trying to tell the truth about the institutions of power in the country. . . . I think my peers in commercial television are talented and devoted journalists, but they've chosen to work in a corporate mainstream that trims their talent to fit the corporate nature of American life.  And you do not get get rewarded for telling the hard truths about America in a profit seeking environment . . ."  ~ Bill Moyers upon his retirement after 30 years in television journalism. 

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."  ~ Former CIA Director William Colby

The Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media conducted a survey of regular political talk show listeners.  it said: "exposure to those programs is not significantly related  to even elementary tests of political information."





National Endowment for the Arts survey: "the number of non-reading adults increased by more than 17 million between 1992 and 2002." 


In 2002 National Geographic conducted a survey of young Americans. 

85% of those 18 to 24 years old could not find Afghanistan, Iraq or Israel on a map. 

56% couldn't locate India

30% couldn't locate the Pacific Ocean

Issues, News and Opinion

MSM (Main Stream Media) TV News is no place to get your news/views on issues if you want a good picture of what is going on.  It's basically entertainment.  First there's a news event.  Then you get the opinions about the news event.  Then the opinions about the opinions and so on.  Then you get the whole thing repeated over and over ad nauseam.  There is some redemption in their websites and specials but it is still Corpglomerate (corporate conglomerate) in nature.  The Internet is a better source (though Corpglomerate is there too) and you must be discerning and use that thing on top of your neck.  It's not just for show.

Try some of these for news, views, issues and discussion:

Online News and Opinion Links


Wars and Genocides of the 20th Century


Do You Know Where You Are ??

Let's take a look at where we are and what we're up to!!

Somewhere in all this:


 Original Google image here

 You are on the third rock from the sun.  Which is actually a star.  A rather small out of the way star at that.  In a small out of the way galaxy known as the Milky Way There are, of course, billions of other galaxies.  Blue Star Galaxy  Sombrero Galaxy

It is a very old rock by our standards.  Another view



It is a rock that is fast becoming overcrowded and we are nowhere near being able to leave.  Unless changes are made we may be headed for a DieoffWord Hunger will be an increasing problem as our resources decline.  Yet obesity is a major problem in America. 

Virtually all the energy available for life in our biosphere is made available through photosynthesis.  Global photosynthesis captures more than 10 times the total energy requirements of mankind for both food and fuels.  It was the origin of the fossil fuels we now depend on and may be the salvation of mankind.  If the breakthroughs come in time.

We live on a rock with 6 Billion other modified monkeys some of them nuclear armed and all of them dangerous.  A significant number belong to Bronze Age religions that tell them they are chosen by God to lead the other monkeys to slavation, oops, excuse me, salvation.  In my humble opinion Divinely Inspired Monkeys (DIM's) pose one of the greatest threats to basic freedoms, the species and the planet, that exist here on this wobbly little mud ball.  Osama is a DIM as is Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and George Bush. 



"Whenever we read ... the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we call it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize humankind. And, for my own part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel." -- Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason


also see The Talmud



Actually we are now considered to be in the family of  Hominidae which includes the Great Apes.  Some may take offense.  (Some of the Great Apes that is)  Perhaps we should come up with another name for ourselves.  I vote for the Spunky Monkey.  (Someone should invent a Spunky Monkey dance.  I tried but caught sight of myself in the mirror.)  (The horror.  The horror.)

We haven't been around that long.  If all of history were a year the United States would appear on December 31, at 11:59:59.6 PM   (Timelines links) We have accomplished a lot.  But a what a cost.  Last century about 110 million people died as a result of war.  If I remember correctly the deaths due to war go up by about 50% each century.  So we can expect around 150 million+ to die in wars this century.  Of course our dwindling resources may increase that number and science could significantly increase it.

 We sure do love to tinker with stuff.  Glowing Monkey  And keep in mind genetics and biology may produce the weapons of the future.  These could produce a future Armageddon that could just about wipe us out.  Of course genetic weapons would be used to target enemies that are genetically different that the group running the scientist thereby leaving one group alive.  But every so often you get a bad scientist.  Or two.  Or apocalyptic types like Aum Shinriko who attacked a Tokoyo subway with Sarin.  I'll be gone by the time this stuff rolls around so you young'uns can worry about this particular problem.

We face perhaps the greatest challenge mankind has ever faced with global warming climate change starting and global peak oil coming up.  These issues should be on everyone's mind.  Let me tell you a simple truth.  You can't haul two ton of fertilizer in a one ton truck.  Sooner or later the population of the planet will have to stabilize.  We can do it ourselves or that old bitch mother nature can do it with her usual tools: Disease,  Starvation and War.  The choice is ours. 


  <<<<<>>>>> Page 2 War ~ Politics ~ Gas Prices

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"I scribble, therefore I am." You have arrived on this site while it is in a state of disarray and unfinishedness.  It will always be thus.  Hopefully you will find something of interest. ~ Good links, hard truths, ramblings, rants  and sometimes demented musings on life's issues and events by the libertarian, deist, infidel to all the world's religions; Steven Raker; on life, happiness, war, religious issues, sex, love, religion, Etc."  And a lot of good and sometimes sobering scribblings from others.  



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