Thy Will be Done, on Earth
as it is in Texas
May 18, 2004
Not long ago I pulled my car up
alongside a tiny wooden church in the woods, a stark white
frame box my family built in 1840. And as always, an
honest-to-god chill went through me, for the ancestral
ghosts presumably hovering over the graves there. From the
wide open front door the Pentecostal preacher's message
echoed from within the plain wooden walls: "Thank you Gawd
for giving us strawng leaders like President Bush during
this crieeesis. Praise you Lord and guide him in this battle
with Satan's Muslim armies." If I had chosen to go
back down the road a mile or so to the sprawling new Bible
Baptist church -- complete with school facilities,
professional sound system and in-house television production
-- I could have heard approximately the same exhortation.
Usually offered at the end of a prayer for sons and
daughters of members in the congregation serving in Iraq, it
can be heard in any of the thousands upon thousands of
praise temples across our republic.
After a lifetime of identity
conflict, I have come to accept that, blood-wise, if not
politically or spiritually, these are my people. And as a
leftist it is very clear to me these days why urban liberals
not only fail to understand these people, but do not even
know they exist, other than as some general lump of
ignorant, intolerant voters called "the religious right," or
the "Christian Right," or "neocon Christians." But until
progressives come to understand what these people read,
hear, are told and deeply believe, we cannot understand
American politics, much less be effective. Given
fundamentalist Christianity's inherent cultural isolation,
it is nearly impossible for most enlightened Americans to
imagine, in honest human terms, what fundamentalist
Americans believe, let alone understand why we should all
For liberals to examine the
current fundamentalist phenomenon in America is to accept
some hard truths. For starters, we libs are even more
embattled than most of us choose to believe. Any significant
liberal and progressive support is limited to a few urban
pockets on each coast and along the upper edge of the
Midwestern tier states. Most of the rest of the nation, the
much vaunted heartland, is the dominion of the conservative
and charismatic Christian. Turf-wise, it's pretty much their
country, which is to say it presently belongs to George W.
Bush for some valid reasons. Remember: He did not have to
steal the entire election, just a little piece of it in
Florida. Evangelical born-again Christians of one stripe or
another were then, and are now, 40% of the electorate, and
they support Bush 3-1. And as long as their clergy and their
worst instincts tell them to, they will keep on voting for
him, or someone like him, regardless of what we view as his
arrogant folly and sub-intelligence. Forget about changing
their minds. These Christians do not read the same books we
do, they do not get their information from anything remotely
resembling reasonably balanced sources, and in fact,
consider even CBS and NBC super-liberal networks of porn and
the Devil's lies. Given how fundamentalists see the modern
world, they may as well be living in Iraq or Syria, with
whom they share approximately the same Bronze Age religious
tenets. They believe in God, Rumsfeld's Holy War and their
absolute duty as God's chosen nation to kick Muslim ass up
one side and down the other. In other words, just because
millions of Christians appear to be dangerously nuts does
not mean they are marginal.
Having been born into a Southern
Pentecostal/Baptist family of many generations, and living
in this fundamentalist social landscape means that I gaze
into the maw of neocon Christianity daily. Hell, sometimes
hourly. My brother is a fundamentalist preacher, as are a
couple of my nephews, as were many of my ancestors going
back to god-knows-when. My entire family is born-again;
their lives are completely focused inside their own
religious community, and on the time when Jesus returns to
earth -- Armageddon and The Rapture.
Only another liberal born into a
fundamentalist clan can understand what a strange, sometimes
downright hellish family circumstance it is -- how such a
family can love you deeply, yet despise everything you
believe in, see you as a humanist instrument of Satan, and
still be right there for you when your back goes out or a
divorce shatters your life. As a socialist and a
half-assed lefty activist, obviously I do not find much
conversational fat to chew around the Thanksgiving table.
Politically and spiritually, we may be said to be dire
enemies. Love and loathing coexist side by side. There is
talk, but no communication. In fact, there are times when it
all has science fiction overtones...times when it seems we
are speaking to one another through an unearthly veil,
wherein each party knows it is speaking to an alien. There
is a sort of high eerie mental whine in the air. This is the
sound of mutually incomprehensible worlds hurtling toward
destiny, passing with great psychological friction, obvious
to all, yet acknowledged by none.
Between such times, I wait
rather anxiously and strive for change, for relief from what
feels like an increased stifling of personal liberty,
beauty, art, and self-realization in America. They wait in
spooky calmness for Jesus. They believe that, until Jesus
does arrive, our "satanic humanist state and federal legal
systems" should be replaced with pure "Biblical Law." This
belief is called Christian Reconstructionism. Though it has
always been around in some form, it began expanding rapidly
about 1973, with the publication of R. J. Rushdoony's,
Institutes of Biblical Law (Vallecito, CA: Ross House
Books, 1982).
Time out please... In a nod
toward fairness and tolerance -- begging the question of
whether liberals are required to tolerate the intolerant --
I will say this: Fundamentalists are "good people." In daily
life, they are warm-hearted and generous to a fault. They
live with feet on the ground (albeit with eyes cast
heavenward) and with genuine love and concern for their
neighbors. After spending 30 years in progressive western
cities such as Boulder, Colorado and Eugene, Oregon, I would
have to say that conservative Christians actually do what
liberals usually only talk about. They visit the sick and
the elderly, give generously of their time and money to help
those in need, and put unimaginable amounts of love and
energy into their families, even as Pat Robertson and Rush
Limbaugh blare in the background. Their good works extend
internationally -- were it not for American Christians,
there would be little health care on the African continent
and other similar places. OK, that's the best I can do in
showing due respect for the extreme Christian Right.
Now to get back to the Christian Reconstructionists...
Reconstruction: Establishing a Savage Eden
Christian Reconstruction is
blunt stuff, hard and unforgiving as a gravestone.
Capital punishment, central to the Reconstructionist ideal,
calls for the death penalty in a wide range of crimes,
including abandonment of the faith, blasphemy, heresy,
witchcraft, astrology, adultery, sodomy, homosexuality,
striking a parent, and ''unchastity before marriage'' (but
for women only). Biblically correct methods of execution
include stoning, the sword, hanging, and burning. Stoning is
preferred, according to Gary North, the self-styled
Reconstructionist economist, because stones are plentiful
and cheap. Biblical Law would also eliminate labor unions,
civil rights laws, and public schools. Leading
Reconstruction theologian David Chilton declares, "The
Christian goal for the world is the universal development of
Biblical theocratic republics..." Incidentally, said
Republic of Jesus would not only be a legal hell, but an
ecological one as well -- Reconstructionist doctrine calls
for the scrapping of environmental protection of all kinds,
because there will be no need for this planet earth once The
Rapture occurs. You may not have heard of Rushdoony or
Chilton or North, but taken either separately or together,
they have influenced far more contemporary American minds
than Noam Chomsky, Gore Vidal and Howard Zinn combined.
A moreover covert movement,
although slightly more public of late, Christian
Reconstructionism has for decades exerted one hell of an
influence through its scores of books, publications and
classes taught in colleges and universities. Over the past
30 years, Reconstructionist doctrine has permeated not only
the religious right, but mainstream churches as well, via
the charismatic movement. Its impact on politics and
religion in this nation have been massive, with many
mainstream churches pushed rightward by pervasive
Reconstructionism, without even knowing it. Clearly
the Methodist church down the street from my house does not
understand what it has become. Other mainstream churches
with more progressive leadership, simply flinch and bow to
the Reconstructionists at every turn. They have to, if they
want to retain members these days. Further complicating
matters is that leading Reconstruction thinkers, along with
their fellow travelers, the Dominionists, are all but
invisible to non-fundamentalist America. (I will spare you
the agony of the endless doctrinal hair-splitting that comes
with making fundamentalist distinctions of any sort -- I
would not do that to a dog. But if you are disposed toward
self-punishment, you can take it upon yourself to learn the
differences between Dominionism, Pretribulationism,
Midtribulationism, and Posttribulationism, Premillennialism,
Millennialism... I recommend the writings of the British
author and scholar
George Monbiot, who has put the entire maddening scheme
of it all together -- corporate implications, governmental
and psychological meaning -- in a couple of excellent
Fundamentalists such as my
family have no idea how thoroughly they have been
orchestrated by Reconstructionist driven Christian media and
other innovations of the past few decades. They probably
would not care now, even if they knew. Like most of their
tribe (dare we say class, in a nation that so vehemently
denies it has a class system?) they want to embrace some
simple foundational truth that will rationalize all the
conflict and confusion of a postmodern world. Some handbook
that will neatly explain everything, make all their
difficult decisions for them. And among these classic
American citizens, prone toward religious zealotry since the
Great Awakening of the 18th Century, what rock could appear
more dependable upon which to cling than the infallible Holy
Bible? From there it was a short step for Christian
Reconstructionist leaders to conclude that such magnificent
infallibility should be enforced upon all other people, in
the same spirit as the Catholic Spanish Conquistadors or the
Arab Muslim Moors before them. It's an old, old story, a
brutal one mankind cannot seem to shake.
Christian Reconstruction
strategists make clear in their writings that homeschooling
and Christian academies have been and continue to create the
Rightist Christian cadres of the future, enabling them to
place ever-increasing numbers of believers in positions of
governmental influence. The training of Christian cadres is
far more sophisticated than the average liberal realizes.
There now stretches a network of dozens of campuses across
the nation, each with its strange cultish atmosphere of
smiling Christian pod people, most of them clones of Jerry
Falwell's Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. But how
many outsiders know the depth and specificity of
Reconstructionist political indoctrination in these schools?
For example, Patrick Henry College in Purcellville,
Virginia, a college exclusively for Christian homeschoolers,
offers programs in strategic government intelligence, legal
training and foreign policy, all with a strict, Bible-based
"Christian worldview." Patrick Henry is so heavily funded by
the Christian right it can offer classes below cost. In the
Bush administration, seven percent of all internships are
handed out to Patrick Henry students, along with many others
distributed among similar religious rightist colleges. The
Bush administration also recruits from the faculties of
these schools, i.e. the appointments of right-wing Christian
activist Kay Coles James, former dean of the Pat Robertson
School of government, as director of the U.S. office of
personnel. What better position than the personnel office
from which to recruit more fundamentalists? Scratch any of
these supposed academics and you will find a Christian
Reconstructionist. I know because I have made the mistake of
inviting a few of these folks to cocktail parties. One
university department head told me he is moving to rural
Mississippi where he can better recreate the lifestyle of
the antebellum South, and its "Confederate Christian
values." It gets real strange real quick.
Lest the Christian
Reconstructionists be underestimated, remember that it was
Reconstructionist strategists whose "stealth ideology"
managed the takeover of the Republican Party in the early
1990s. That takeover now looks mild in light of today's
neocon Christian implantations in the White House, the
Pentagon and the Supreme Court and other federal entities.
As much as liberals screech in protest, few understand the
depth and breadth of the Rightist Christian takeover
underway. They catch the scent but never behold the beast
itself. Yesterday I heard a liberal Washington-based
political pundit on NPR say the Radical Christian right's
local and regional political action peak was a past fixture
of the Reagan era. I laughed out loud (it was a bitter
laugh) and wondered if he had ever driven 20 miles eastward
on U.S. Route 50 into the suburbs of Maryland, Virginia or
West Virginia. The fellow on NPR was a perfect example of
the need for liberal pundits to get their heads out of their
asses, get outside the city, quit cruising the Internet and
meet some Americans who do not mirror their own humanist
educations and backgrounds. If they did, they would
grasp the importance The Rapture has taken on in American
national and international politics. Despite the media's
shallow interpretation of The Rapture's significance, it is
a hell of a lot more than just a couple hundred million
Left Behind books sold. The most significant thing about
the Left Behind series is that, although they are
classified as "fiction," most fundamentalist readers I know
accept the series as an absolute reality soon coming to a
godless planet near you. It helps to understand that
everything is literal in the Fundamentalist voter universe.
I'll Fly Away, Oh Lordy (But you
Yes, when The Rapture comes
Christians with the right credentials will fly away. But you
and I, dear reader, will probably be among those who suffer
a thousand-year plague of boils. So stock up on antibiotics,
because according to the "Rapture Index" it is damned near
here. See for yourself at Part gimmick, part fanatical
obsession, the index is a compilation of such things as
floods, interest rates, oil prices, global turmoil... As I
write this the index stands at 144, just one point below
critical mass, when people like us will be smitten under a
sky filled with deliriously happy naked flying Christians.
But to blow The Rapture off as
amusing-if-scary fantasy is not being honest on my part.
Cheap glibness has always been my vice, so I must say this:
Personally, I've lived with The Rapture as the
psychologically imprinted backdrop of my entire life. In
fact, my own father believed in it until the day he died,
and the last time I saw him alive we talked about The
Rapture. And when he asked me, "Will you be saved?" Will you
be there with me on Canaan's shore after The Rapture?" I was
forced to feign belief in it to give a dying man inner
solace. But that was the spiritual stuff of families, and
living and dying, religion in its rightful place, the way it
is supposed to be, personal and intimate -- not political.
Thus, until the advent of the Reconstructionist Christian
influence, I'd certainly never heard The Rapture spoken
about in the context of a Texan being selected by God to
prepare its way.
Now however, this apocalyptic
belief, yearning really, drives an American Christian polity
in the service of a grave and unnerving agenda. The
pseudo-scriptural has become an apocalyptic game plan for
earthly political action: To wit, the messiah can only
return to earth after an apocalypse in Israel called
Armageddon, which the fundamentalists are promoting with all
their power so that The Rapture can take place. The first
requirement was establishment of the state of Israel. Done.
The next is Israel's occupation of the Middle East as a
return of its "Biblical lands," which in the
Reconstructionist scheme of things, means more wars. These
Christian conservatives believe peace cannot ever lead to
The Rapture, and indeed impedes the 1,000 year Reign of
Christ. So anyone promoting peace is an enemy, a tool of
Satan, hence the fundamentalist support for any and all
wars Middle Eastern, in which their own kids die a death
often viewed by Christian parents as a holy martyrdom of its
own kind. "He (or she) died protecting this country's
Christian values." One hears it over and over from
parents of those killed.
The final scenario of the
Rapture has the "saved" Christians settling onto a cloud
after the long float upward, from whence they watch a Rambo
Jesus wipe out the remnants of the human race. Then in a
mop-up operation by God, the Jews are also annihilated,
excepting a few who convert to Christianity. The Messiah
returns to earth. End of story. Incidentally, the Muslim
version, I was surprised to learn recently, is almost
exactly the same, but with Muslims doing the cloud-sitting.
If we are lucky as a nation,
this period in American history will be remembered as just
another very dark time we managed to get through. Otherwise,
one shudders to think of the logical outcome. No wonder the
left is depressed. Meanwhile, our best thinkers on the left
ask us to consider our perpetual U.S. imperial war as a
fascist, military/corporate war, and indeed it is that too.
But tens of millions of hardworking, earnest American
Christians see it as far more than that. They see a war
against all that is un-Biblical, the goal of which is
complete world conquest, or put in Christian terminology,
"dominion." They will have no less than the "inevitable
victory God has promised his new chosen people," according
to the Recon masters of the covert kingdom. Screw the Jews,
they blew their chance. If perpetual war is what it will
take, then let it be perpetual. After all, perpetual war is
exactly what the Bible promised. Like it or not, this is the
reality (or prevailing unreality) with which we are faced.
The 2004 elections, regardless of outcome, will not change
that. Nor will it necessarily bring ever-tolerant liberals
to openly acknowledge what is truly happening in this
country, the thing that has been building for a long, long
time -- a holy war, a covert Christian jihad for control of
America and the entire world. Millions of Americans are
under the spell of an extraordinarily dangerous mass
Pardon me, but religious
tolerance be damned. Somebody had to say it.
Joe Bageant
is a senior editor at the Primedia History Group and writes
from Winchester, Virginia. He may be contacted at:
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